Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Yes I am very digital and not just recently.  I have been working in and around technology for most of my life.  I am a lifelong gamer, I currently have 2 XBOX 360's, a Sony PS3, a WII, a Game Cube and a PSP.  I have 4 Laptops, 2 desktops, and an iPad, and my phone is an Android just so I can have one of each App that comes out.  All of my TV's are digital and I rarely watch live television as I either use Netflix or the DVR from FIOS.  Oh yes and my voice communication is via VOIP either Verizon FIOS, Skype, or Google voice.

So it;s all digital all the time!  Oh and I am selling a Text Message Marketing business and mCard's (Mobile Business Cards)

So this blog will deal with Text Marketing, Mobile Media, Social Media and all things digital.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

In a Digital Mood

Yes I am! This blog will be about digital media, mobile media, SMS text markeing and points in between. I hope that I can engage you, share with you and acasionly make you laugh. I will not discuss politics, religion or why Justin Bieber is shaving his legs for the next big gig. (By the way I just made that up, I have no idea what Justin is up to)

Thank you for reading.